Thursday, November 4, 2010

We never know... we can only do our best... and hope for the best...

Following to my last post... my mind was still juggling with something that related to the phrase: what goes around comes around.
Coincidentally, when I was watching a show during my trip to Thailand... the show also uses this karma or ripe and show thing for its theme...

In this opportunity I would like to share some of my thinking... which extend a bit further concerning to the idiom... and probably a bit out-side of the box ... :P
It is mentioned in my previous post that the ripe could be happening directly or in the future... our kids can ripe something what we sow....
Because of this, I believe that our act now is determining our descendant’s faith...
Since we couldn't determine when and where we're born also we never know what kind of family when we're born.
We could be born either in rich or poor family... we could be born in either harmonic or non harmonic family... we can be born in peaceful period or even during wars...

However, one thing for sure is that we have the opportunity to create what kind of family that we are going build... and this means that we take part of our children faith... because we are the one who take part to prepare what kind family where they are born in this world... :)

I also believe that this starts with choosing the right spouse to spend our life with... and let’s hope that we are not choosing and having the right person... since it’s not only for accompanying the rest of our life but also for our descendant...
We never know... we can only do our best... and hope for the best... :)

*what the hell on earth I’m writing such a thing?... maybe lack of sleep made me loosing myself a little bit... :P

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